
Thursday, September 30, 2010

A different kind of Recipe

Clean dirt

Clara says, If in doubt, squeeze lemon juice on it!

I like to make my own my own cleaning supplies. Spraying weird chemicals around the house just doesn't seem like a great idea to me. I live in the city and have enough coming at me without adding to the cloud. Here are a few resourses I find particularly useful and informative.
The other good thing about natural cleaning products is that your kids can help out. If they happen to be into that kind of thing. (I love you Clara)

*Swiffer Sweeper, Swiffer Duster
* Room Spray, Furniture Polish, Floor Cleaner, Fabric Freshner (I totally dig this room spray.)
*Love this lady. She's funny and has a cool book that I quite enjoyed on housekeeping.

A tidbit from Simple Mom's spring cleaning book.

Easy Homemade Glass Cleaner:
2tsp white vinegar
1 litre water
Combine ingredients in a spray bottle (dollar store).
Works best with crumpled newspaper.

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