
Monday, March 16, 2009

What is a nightcap?

1. a drink taken just before bedtime
2. a soft cap formerly worn in bed

Yah, I googled nightcap...and found these cookies fit both definitions. (sort of) The little swirls of chocolate icing on top of the spongy cookie should look a bit like the old fashioned night cap and, I suppose, it would be quite deleciously indulgant to 'take' one cookie just before bed each eve. (Who me?)

The batter for these cookies was quite simple to whip up but different than any I remember working with. It's wet, almost like a thick icing rather than a cookie dough. I ran out of parchment paper, so I scooped my teaspoons of deliciousness onto well greased cookie sheets. The cookies did slide around on the sheet a bit as they cooked, leaving a little tail of cookie behind a few of them, but I trimmed them off and ate there is no evidence of that anymore. (Perhaps the parchment would have remedied that, Tina?)

Of course Clara got in on the making of these. (She simply cannot resist a good cookie baking challenge. And, I might add, did a better job than I at making perfectly round cookies mounds.)

I accidentally used all my heavy cream in a soup the day before I made these so I do not have a fully assembled cookie picture to show you - yet. Hopefully I will post one later today after I sneak out to the store for some more cream. The pretty little chocolate pillows were quite nice on their own, however, I cannot wait to try one oozing with chocolaty goodness.

***Oops, We ate them up too fast to get a picture of them...but oh my were they ever delicious!***


  1. You are so lovely! I feel sort of inspired, (but suddenly fatter.)

  2. You are so lovely! I feel sort of inspired, (but suddenly fatter.)

  3. I didn't mean to say that twice, it just hiccupped in the funniest way.....

  4. Thanks Missy, but hey, I am definitely fatter!:)
